






利记sbo的员工应该遵守道德规范, 诚实, 在所有的交易中都保持正直. They need to be fair and principled in their official interactions both within and outside the 利记sbo community. They must act with due recognition of their position of trust and loyalty with respect to the University and its 学生, 的同事, 研究赞助商, 和捐助者. 当对所提议的行动方案的适当性有疑问时, 他们必须向那些同事寻求建议, 监事, 或者是能够协助确定正确和适当的行为过程的管理人员.


利记sbo期待所有员工, 包括大学雇佣的学生雇员和承包商, 在任何时候都遵守本守则的原则. 违反本守则可能会受到纪律处分,直至解雇.


The purpose of this policy is to deter wrongdoing and promote honest and ethical conduct while complying with applicable governmental laws, 规则, 法规. This policy identifies general standards concerning ethical conduct and provides guidance to ensure that University 员工 maintain the highest standards of business and professional ethics as they conduct business and provide education and support services on behalf of the 利记sbo community.


1. 合理使用大学财产和资金

利记sbo 员工 must see to it that University resources are not 使用 for anything other than their intended purposes. 大学员工有义务谨慎管理学校的资源, 对提供这些资源的人负有责任, 包括学生, 父母, 校友, 基金会, 其他捐助者, 合作伙伴, 以及政府机构. Employees are responsible for safeguarding the tangible and intangible assets of the University that are under their control. 大学资源不得转为个人使用,无论是为自己还是为他人使用.

2. 记录和报告的准确性

记录, data, 拥有的信息, 使用, 及由大学管理的资料必须准确及完整. 报告的准确性和可靠性对大学的运作至关重要. 员工必须记录, 分配, 准确收取费用,并按照既定的政策和程序维护相关文件. 所有的报告, 抵用券, 账单, 发票, 工资信息, 人事记录, 和其他重要的业务记录必须谨慎和诚实地准备.

3. 资助及合约

雇员要求并提供有关政府机构资金的信息, 公司, 基金会, 而其他授予机构则有积极的义务予以充分, 准确的, 并就授予机构提交或要求的所有相关信息进行诚实陈述. 必须保持准确和完整的记录, 包括授权机构要求的证明文件, 拨款的用途.

4. 机密信息

员工在日常工作中可能会接触到机密信息. 此信息可能与, 等, 学生, 父母, 校友, 捐助者, 员工, 合作伙伴, 以及教职员工的候选人. 所有大学员工必须保护机密资料. 这包括确保机密文件, 以纸质或电子形式, are not left unattended; refraining from engaging in discussion of confidential information in forums where the information may be overheard; and protecting the privacy of past and current 学生, 教师, 通过维护学生和员工记录的机密性.

5. 利益冲突

A conflict of interest is defined as the existence of a situation where an employee’s position or authority may be 使用 to influence or make decisions in a way that would lead directly or indirectly to financial or personal gain for the employee or for their family; or whose activities would adversely affect the individual from fulfilling the requirements of their position.

员工应避免利益冲突,以免损害大学的诚信和客观性. Examples of situations involving potential conflicts of interest include working for the University as an outside vendor; using information that the University considers privileged or confidential for the benefit of a person or entity outside the University; utilizing discounts allowed to the University for personal gain; soliciting for oneself or for a third party anything of value from any person or entity in return for any business or service provided by the University; and working for another college or university without express written approval by the president or the appropriate senior vice president/vice president.

  • 大学主管与他们的员工有额外的财务或其他关系, 比如在校外雇佣员工, 作为员工的房东, 或者是员工的孩子, 家长, 配偶, 或合作伙伴; or
  • A University 教师 member who is an instructor or advisor to a student also has a financial or other relationship with one of their 学生 or advisees, 比如让学生在校外工作, 作为学生的房东, 或者是学生的孩子, 家长, 配偶, 或合作伙伴.
应尽可能避免这种潜在的利益冲突, 并且必须向相关主管或学校院长申报.

经济利益冲突(例如, an employee’s participating in the ownership or management of an entity that regularly does business with the University) must be disclosed to the Office of the Vice President for Financial Affairs and Treasurer for review. 教职员工不得批准, 推荐, 或促进与该公司的高级管理人员或高级管理人员的业务交易, 或者持有超过5%的股权, unless such person first discloses in writing the business relationship and the circumstances of the contemplated activity.

6. 礼物和小费

No employee shall solicit anything of value in return for influencing or exercising their discretion in a particular way on a University matter. 员工不应接受任何物质礼物, 给小费, 或其他付款方式, 现金或实物, 来自目前与大学有业务往来或寻求与大学有业务往来的供应商. 员工不得单独代表自己进行谈判. 这包括招揽, or receiving discounts or rebates on goods and services offered to them in their private capacity by 供应商 to the University that exceed those generally available to other customers. 供应商提供免费旅行或非常慷慨的报价应该礼貌但坚决地拒绝.

这一一般性规定的例外情况包括不请自来的面值礼品, 一般来说, 每人不超过25美元, 假日赠送, 生日, 婚礼, 以及其他公认的社交场合.

作为大学的代理人, 员工应该保护自己和学校的声誉. 员工必须非常小心,避免出现哪怕是最轻微的不道德行为.

7. 反垄断

员工不得与其他单位进行不正当的勾结, 包括其他学院和大学, 就影响大学财务或行政决策的事宜提出意见.

8. 遵守法律法规

员工在处理大学事务时应遵守所有联邦法规, 状态, 以及与其职位和职责范围相关的地方法律法规, 包括, 但不限于, 平等就业机会, 公平雇佣惯例, and nondiscrimination laws; laws regarding the privacy and confidentiality of employee and student records; and laws regarding workplace safety, 工作场所政策法规, 职业健康. Employees whose programs operate internationally are expected to comply with the laws of the nations in which those programs operate, 包括外国腐败行为.

9. 报告涉嫌违法行为的义务

员工有义务立即向主管报告涉嫌违反这些标准的行为, 系主任, 负责人力资源和人事发展的副总裁, 他们的院长, 或者另一位副总统. Any University employeeto whom a report of a suspected violation is made is obligated to follow up the report with the appropriate administrative authority. 在调查有关不当活动的指控时,将注意保密. 利记sbo will protect from retaliation anyone who makes a good faith effort to appropriately disclose perceived wrongdoing. 然而, the University reserves the right to distinguish between retaliation and ongoing performance management related to the individual (see 报告可疑财务活动政策)

10. 违章后果

Violations of this code or related University policies and procedures will be considered under the University’s established disciplinary practices and procedures for 员工 and may carry disciplinary consequences, 直至并包括解雇. 这种违规行为还可能使个人在州或联邦法院受到民事或刑事诉讼.

11. 主管的责任

Individuals who supervise others should ensure that their direct reports have received adequate instruction and explanation with respect to their obligations under this code.


It is the responsibility of all 利记sbo 员工 to abide by this code of conduct in order to maintain an ethical and honest University community. 所有利记sbo员工都有责任报告与大学业务有关的任何不当行为.


Enforcement of 利记sbo policies is the responsibility of the office or offices listed in the “Resources/Questions” section of each policy. 负责办公室将联系有关教职员工的适当当局, 学生, 供应商, 或者违反政策的游客.

利记sbo承认,大学的政策可能无法预料到可能出现的每一个问题. The University therefore reserves the right to make reasonable and relevant decisions regarding the enforcement of this policy. 所有这些决定都必须得到大学官员的批准.e. 校长、教务副校长或财务副校长).


如有任何问题或其他信息,请与 人力资源厅.

请注意,其他利记sbo的政策可能适用或与此政策相关. 如果需要查询相关策略,请使用在线策略手册中的“关键字查询”功能.
有效日期: 04/10/2007
发布日期: 02/10/2008
最后修订日期: 02/01/2023

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